Funds from the CHETT Pet Emergency Vet fund will be used by the Springfield police department to help meet the emergency veterinary treatment needs and costs of treatment for companion animal pets that are lost, found, abandoned or feral at the time of their injury in Springfield. The fund will help enable police and Springfield Emergency veterinary staff to create humane treatment decisions for pets injured within the City of Springfield and pets who have been abused or neglected.

The CHETT Pet Emergency Vet Fund was conceived in memory of the late Chester Martin, the namesake behind the CHETT (Community Help Easing Troubled Times) Program. Chester Martin was a pet lover and had his own companion animal – Lucky, who was at his side when he died in 2016.

Under the program, employees who identify a companion animal pet in need of emergency or critical veterinary treatment will notify the on-duty police watch commander, who will assess the proposed or contemplated treatment of the pet and consult with veterinary staff. On agreement the watch commander will use their City of Springfield purchasing card to address the immediate expense. Additional consideration will be given to any ongoing treatment costs as well as the amount of funds available within the fund at the time the request is made.



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